A Fitness Competitor’s To Do List: Extended Edition

  Soooo on Sunday evening, I posted a super brief “to do” list on my Facebook page giving a sneak peek into the tasks/errands/shit I have to do to prep in the final week before show day. In case you were curious (or, if you’re not, whatever – you’re creeping my blog, so you obviously care), I’ll be…

S.O.S.! Last Day of Carbs!

AIR HORN. AIR SIREN. WEOOOOOOOO. I have one more carb meal of the day until…. DUHN. DUHN. DUHN.  CARB DEPLETION. 8 glorious [sic] days of zero carbs and only eggs, tilapia and chicken breast. With my oils as “sauce”. #blessed This is my third time doing a carb deplete before a show and dare I…

Dating Diary Of A Fitness Competitor

…Okay, so it won’t be a diary, but I guess I could share a few…anecdotes. So I’m essentially 10 months into this fitness adventure and I have learned that dating as a (committed? Insane? Dedicated?) fitness competitor is different than when I was a “normal” person. Yeah you still have your jerks, players, boring guys,…


I know I’ve always been talking about my UFE debut these past few posts, but I can’t forget that my main show is coming up too: IDFA World Championships and Pro Universe. I met up with Colleen last weekend and ordered my custom Crystal suit and I. COULD. NOT. BE. MORE. EXCITED. I pick it up…

SIX WEEKS OUT: UFE Halloween Mayhem

I was bullied into writing a new post by Casey and Justin – SO HERE IT IS. I also figured I should keep with tradition and write a pre-competition post. Blah-zay-blah, I’m six weeks out from my next competition and let’s just say I am feeling fan-freaking-tastic. I have some pretty sick, two-weeks-out type of…